Chicago Duffer Year in Review -- 2014

Year In ReviewAnother year has come and gone at the offices of (i.e. my condo), and as many of us are closing out the year on a high note, it's the perfect time to reflect on all the great golfy things that happened over the last 12 months. Before I go any further, I'd like to take a quick moment to thank everyone who clicked on a link to my blog, read a post I authored, or simply engaged in a conversation with me over Twitter. This main seem cliche, but without my readers, this blog would not be possible -- let alone any fun to work on. So thank you.

The High's

Overall, 2014 was a great year for me and this blog. While our focus will always center around golf equipment reviews and commentary on the professional tours, we also wrote more about the golf business as a whole. I also attempted to merge my "two lives" together -- my day job as a Six Sigma Black Belt and my night job as a golf blogger -- by examining the different wastes in the golf industry and what we can all do to improve the game we love. I plan on continuing that discussion in 2015.

We also had the opportunity to review some great golf products over the last 12 months, which is both a perk and a fantastic opportunity afforded to me by some really great people. I am forever thankful to the handful of PR contacts I work with on a regular basis who make the reviews on this blog possible. I hope my reviews of your products have been consistent, honest, and helpful.

I also started writing for -- a truly special golf blog/social network hub. Ken and the rest of the gang over at BP have welcomed me with open arms and have provided me with an outlet to pepper the world with more of my bad golf thoughts. If you haven't had the chance to check out their site, crawl out from under your rock and visit them today.

Last but certainly not least, we also broke a page view record at this year. For some reason a lot of people wanted to read about golf equipment, Rory McIlroy pumpkin carvings and a twitchy Keegan Bradley cat on October 20th. The internet is a weird place, and I hope it never changes.

The Low's

While not directly related to this blog, 2014 unfortunately marked the (hopefully temporary) end of my time with the Back9Network. For those who aren't aware, I spent the better part of two years blogging for the new Hartford-based television network from October 2012 to roughly October 2014.

While I only had the chance to meet a handful of the folks at B9N in person, I can safely say that those two years were the most enjoyable for me as a golf writer -- and it had everything to do with the people at that network. I wish nothing but the best for everyone at B9N, and I hope to one day work with all of you again.

What's in store for 2015

I'd like to say that you can all expect big things at next year. I'd also like to say we'll be adding new categories of content, reviewing wonderful golf courses and writing reviews on the best new golf equipment available.

But the truth is, I simply don't know what to expect for this site in 2015. I'd like to leave that up to my readers. I'd also like to focus more on Chicagoland golf, because the town in which I live is a golf mecca held back by the unpredictable Midwest weather.

In the meantime, stay safe this New Years Eve, thanks again for a fantastic 2014, and I look forward to seeing more of you next year.

Adam Fonseca

Adam Fonseca is the owner of Golf Unfiltered and host of the Golf Unfiltered Podcast. He has been writing about golf for over 20 years. His work has appeared on multiple outlets, including SB Nation, the Back9Network, USA Today, Yahoo Sports!, and others.

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