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TecTecTec ULT-S Pro Rangefinder Review

The TecTecTec ULT-S Pro rangefinder is the brand’s premium offering, featuring technology and options that rival some of the bigger brands in this space. The highlight of the ULT-S Pro is its stabilization features and almost immediate reading output, making this the best rangefinder we’ve tried in a very long time.

Let’s take a closer look.

TecTecTec ULT-S Pro packaging.

TecTecTec ULT-S Pro Features

As we discussed with TecTecTec’s Steve Henneman on a recent episode of the Golf Unfiltered Podcast, the ULT-S Pro is packed with features and extras that will make any golfer drool.

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The crown jewel of the ULT-S Pro is its optical image stabilization, which is the best we’ve seen on a rangefinder to date. Many golfers using a rangefinder struggle with locking in on a target downrange — like a flagstick, tree, or hazard — due to shaky hands or poor aim. The ULT-S Pro’s stabilizing feature eliminates this problem in impressive fashion as the world “slows down” when the device’s inner mechanics kick in.

Personally, I’ve never used a rangefinder equipped with this feature, and it is an absolute game-changer.

In addition, the ULT-S Pro also features a toled RED display, making it easier to read against any backdrop or even into direct sunlight. Other features include a slope and tournament function, lens focusing, target-lock vibration, and adaptive pin distinction. There is no doubt this is a premium device, yet at a price of under $350, is still more affordable than competing brands.

TecTecTec ULT-S Pro leather case.

Protective Leather Casing

As an added bonus, TecTecTec also offers a stylish protective leather case with the ULT-S Pro at no additional cost. This case — which can be monogrammed by the brand with your name — comes equipped with a magnet on its side. This allows you to “attach” the ULT-S Pro to any metal surface or to one of the many accessories TecTecTec offers on its website.

TecTecTec ULT-S Pro.

Performance and Accuracy

I’ve personally switched to the ULT-S Pro as my rangefinder of choice after just one round using it. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best rangefinder I’ve ever used… period.

The optical image stabilization feature is extraordinary as it simplifies the process of “shooting a target” with higher accuracy and less time. Say goodbye to target misreads — such as hitting a tree behind the flagstick on accident and choosing the wrong club. In comparison to my previous rangefinder that did not have stabilization, the ULT-S Pro blew it away in terms of target yardage accuracy.

The instant (less than 0.3 seconds!) yardage output was also impressive. You simply find your target, press the button on the top of the device to activate the image stabilization, shoot the flagstick once more and BOOM… you’ve got your yardage almost immediately. It’s hard to convey how impressive and fast this is in writing; you simply have to experience it yourself to believe it.

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Overall Impression

I was absolutely blown away by the TecTecTec ULT-S Pro rangefinder. Readers of GU know that we have reviewed many similar devices in the past, but this is the first time I have personally been this impressed by one.

Every feature worked as-promised, and the technology that I experienced for the first time was incredible. There is no doubt this rangefinder will be used for every golf round and practice session in the foreseeable future.

For full details on the ULT-S Pro by TecTecTec, visit the company website here.