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Garsen Golf MAX Putter Grip Review

Putter grips are a very personal thing for golfers. The Garsen Golf MAX putter grip offers a unique design to promote perfect hand placement on your putter, making arguable the most important club in your bag perform better.

I consider putting my strong suit in my golf game, so I was apprehensive to try a different grip. However, after spending some time practicing with the Garsen Golf MAX, I may have found a new favorite.

Garsen Golf MAX putter grip.

Garsen MAX Putter Grip Design

Right off the bat the most noticeable element of the Garsen MAX is how it aligns on the putter shaft. A spine runs up the front middle of the grip, making it appear “sideways” in comparison to a traditional grip.

Garsen Golf bills this approach as “Innovation, with a Twist” and you can totally see why. By using a square grip with a 45 percent rotation, the “front” of the grip now becomes an angled area perfectly fitting the players’ grip and creating a much more biomechanically efficient position for the putting stroke. According to the brand, this simple, yet highly effective, grip innovation is the fastest way to immediately improve your putting.

The biggest draw for me to the Garsen MAX is where I naturally place my hands on a traditional grip: with my palms facing each other as much as possible. I don’t like to have one palm rotated on the grip more than the other, and with my reverse interlock grip, I love to feel my hands moving as one solid unit.

The Garsen MAX is designed to all but eliminate your hands from the putting stroke thanks to the grip’s design.

Garsen Golf MAX putter grip down the shaft.

Feel and Performance

Admittedly, the Garsen MAX took some getting used to when I first tried it. It’s a little staggering to feel a golf grip that is literally rotated on the shaft a full 45 percent. My first impression was that “this would never work” and fought the urge to dismiss the grip as another gimmick.

However, after hitting a few putts with the Garsen MAX my mind was changed. I noticed my putter head was more square through the hitting zone, allowing me to focus only on my shoulders and stroke. Within minutes I noticed an improvement in my make percentage from inside 10-feet; a putt distance that I sometimes struggle with.

It was incredible to just set my hands on the grip, guided by the unique feel of the middle ridge, and forget about anything else. I knew my hands were in the correct position and could just putt. The results were almost immediate, and before long I didn’t even notice the different grip design.

Overall Impression

I am very impressed with the Garsen Golf MAX putter grip. This is an example of a product that might look odd on the surface but actually pays dividends on the golf course. I immediately replaced the grip on my gamer putter with the Garsen MAX, and I may do the same with other putters in my collection.

For more information on the Garsen MAX putter grip, visit the company website here.