Golf Unfiltered is Turning 18

As the calendar nears the end of 2022, Golf Unfiltered looks forward to Year 18 in 2023. Long time readers of Golf Unfiltered will know that this website and podcast has changed multiple times over the years. Most of these changes have coincided with advancements in online content creation and an ever-shifting golf landscape. Other changes, well, have been completely out of the blue with seemingly very little thought or planning.

I’m sure you all can spot the differences.

I will not sugarcoat this: sticking with GU for this long has not been easy. Every single year begins with me staring at the website and thinking, “Yep; this is the final year.” The site’s layout is never good enough to my eyes, nor is the podcast ever polished enough. I waver back-and-forth on our social channels between posting brand-centric content and knee-jerk personal quips that have gotten GU blocked by hundreds of accounts.

In a way, those who have stuck with GU over the years have witnessed me mature over that same time period. Note: “mature” in this sense means nothing more than “grow older,” as I am sure we would all agree I’ve never fully “matured” in terms of personality or wisdom. There is no hope in that regard.

Self deprecation aside, I’d like to think that if nothing else, I’ve been as transparent with my thoughts on the game of golf as I have with anything else going on in the world. It is impossible for me to separate those two, since I believe golf is as much a part of me as anything else happening around me. My experiences in the game have not only shaped how I choose to enjoy it, but have also shaped the lens through which I view life and the people I meet. As heavy-handed as that sounds, know it is entirely true.

I’m willing to bet that many of you do the same thing.

Admittedly some of the content over the years hasn’t been for everyone. GU doesn’t necessarily cater to one specific demographic. Much of our content has taken stances on issues including golf ball distances, equipment costs, and even sociopolitical topics. I challenge anyone reading this to realize that while those topics may seem mutually exclusive on their surface, I assure you that they are not. So, we like to make connections when appropriate.

However, I also understand that sometimes you just want to read an equipment review or listen to a podcast interview to forget about the world. I do that, too.

To help usher GU into the new year, I’m happy to say that the uber-talented Nikki Dunagan remains on staff and has already improved GU to an extreme degree. In addition to her outstanding Memoirs from Magnolia Lane podcast series and thoughtful essays published on this site, Nikki’s contributions behind the scenes have been invaluable. If things begin to seems more organized around here, I assure you that Nikki is to thank.

I’m also happy to share that a new member will be joining GU next year: Dan Hauser. Dan has been on the podcast in the past and I’ve gotten to know him better over the last two years. I’ve been impressed with not only Dan’s love of golf, but also with online publishing and his ability to capture the voice of true sports fans. You’ll see more of Dan’s content all over GU moving forward.

Golf Unfiltered started as a hobby that grew into a passion project and eventually a business. Nikki and Dan are vital additions to the fray and have already made me more excited about GU’s possibilities than ever before. My hope is that you’ll continue to be as welcoming to them as you’ve been to me over the years. I know you won’t be disappointed.

As always, thank you to everyone who has visited, read, listened, and watched anything GU has produced over these last 17 years. This year was our best ever in every engagement metric we track, which obviouly could not be possible without your support. We have a lot planned for Year 18, so I hope you’ll stick with us for a little bit longer.

Look for more content on our YouTube Channel and TikTok account, along with new platforms as they arise.

Stay well, be kind to one another, and here’s hoping 2023 is your best year yet.


Adam Fonseca

Adam Fonseca is the owner of Golf Unfiltered and host of the Golf Unfiltered Podcast. He has been writing about golf for over 20 years. His work has appeared on multiple outlets, including SB Nation, the Back9Network, USA Today, Yahoo Sports!, and others.

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