The Social 9 with - Sam Uisprapassorn

The Social 9 is an up-close look into the lives and careers of the golf industry’s social voices and influencers. Each Wednesday will feature a new guest answering nine (or more!) questions about their careers, brands, and personal lives.

These are the voices that drive the industry further every single day.

Sam Uisprapassorn — Cut Golf

Twitter: @coachsam14 and @CutGolfCo

TItle: Founder and CEO

Sam Uisprapassorn of Cut Golf.

Sam Uisprapassorn of Cut Golf.

How did you get started in social media?

I'm fortunate to have been going through my college years as social media was starting to become a part of our everyday lives. I was part of the early adopters of Facebook since I had a .edu account. These days I personally play more of a passive role on social media. For Cut Golf it was the cornerstone for launching and marketing our brand.

Do you have a favorite social media outlet right now?

There are so many accounts that are doing a great job these days. It's never a dull moment with The Buttsy. Don't let humor fool you, The Buttsy takes golf seriously. I'm a big fan of the photography that GolfInYourState and CouldBeTheDay feature on their pages. You can't talk golf social media without complementing the creativity shown by Colin McCarthy.

Is there ever a struggle to put brand before self or vice versa?

Never. I'm a hockey player at heart and have never shed the team mentality. I make sure that we feature all the great guys that work with Cut and post user generated content. We are the ball for the people after all.

How has your content evolved with so much being picture and video centric, rather than just words?

Yes, we are making more of a cautious effort to use photography and video in our social media post instead of graphics. It really forces our brand to constantly produce content that is going to be engaging. This is a bit challenging when your main product is a golf ball. How many more photos could you possibly look at of a ball on a tee, a fairway or bunker?

How has your role changed as social media has changed?

We have a saying at Cut Golf; "Social First". Does that answer the question?

We spend a fair amount of time planning and executing what will go on up on our social feeds. There are moments of spontaneity and there are also moments where you will notice that we were caught flatfooted. I believe that we are still finding our social media identity as I'm constantly working to improve the quality of our post and interactions.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about your brand?

Cut Golf is very clear on its position in the golf marketplace. We believe the major brands have all done an excellent job in developing and marketing their products. However, golf is ready for a brand that offers a fresh approach and offers customers a quality product at a value price point.

Is there a style or a voice you shoot for with your brand's social content?

Staying "on brand" is our biggest priority when developing our customer facing messaging. It is our goal to deliver a message that will cut through the clutter of traditional golf marketing and messaging. At some point the golf consumer will start to tune out longer, softer, firmer, spins more, spins less. We have developed a unique voice and message that I'm very proud of.


What's the biggest misconception about your brand you'd like to clarify?

That we take the quality and performance of our product seriously. There has been this notion that we are "just a marketing company". We spend a lot of time and resources working to improve the performance and quality of our product.

What's your typical work day look like?

My typical day starts at around 6am, usually in the gym by 7am and in the office around 9. I can tell you that no two days are alike and my to-do list usually goes out the window by 10am. Essentially my day is spent between multiple calls, meetings and closely working with our staff. Before I know it it's 5pm and I haven't answer a single email so I stay in the office to clear the inbox until 7 or so. Head home and back online in one form of other after dinner.  I'm most likely a certifiable workaholic.

What's it like to work so closely with brand ambassadors and pros.

Working with our ambassadors is one of the "perks" of my job. Guys and gals like Buttsy, Idaleeeo, Colin McCarthy, Karin Hart, Coach Rusty, Golfballed, Matt Cardis (GolfInYourState) and Bob Menery have been become great friends to the Cut brand and to me personally. I have also had a chance to meet and play with some of my favorite athletes such as Golden Tate, Stephen Haushka and Bernie Nichols. Our ambassadors and friends of Cut have helped establish our brand in the beginning and I'm forever grateful for the support we received from them.

Adam Fonseca

Adam Fonseca is the owner of Golf Unfiltered and host of the Golf Unfiltered Podcast. He has been writing about golf for over 20 years. His work has appeared on multiple outlets, including SB Nation, the Back9Network, USA Today, Yahoo Sports!, and others.

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