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The Social 9 with - Adam Rehberg

The Social 9 is an up-close look into the lives and careers of the golf industry’s social voices and influencers. Each week will feature a new guest answering nine (or more!) questions about their careers, brands, and personal lives.

These are the voices that drive the industry further every single day.

Adam Rehberg — Bridgestone Golf

Twitter: @rehbirdie

Title: Ball Fitting Manager

Adam Rehberg of Bridgestone Golf

How did you get started in social media?

Oh man, great question! I’ve done several different jobs for the company so far, starting with being a Ball Fitting in the field, to being a R&D Engineer, to now having the pleasure of being part of the Marketing team. I’ve always had an affinity for being creative. I love to work on all types of content. I’ve learned a lot in the role and continue to learn every single day. Consumer Marketing is a tricky business and for me the most important thing is to be genuine and accessible.

Do you have a favorite social media outlet right now?

Twitter for sure. It’s such an interactive platform and the news and information is flowing in real time. I feel that if I need to know something news-wise in the world of golf, I can get that instantly on Twitter and it is also the best way I feel we can communicate directly with consumers that are passionate about our brand and golf.

Is there ever a struggle to put brand before self or vice versa?

Nope, even though those thumbs are mine typing, it is the voice of the brand. I am fortunate that leadership has complete trust in what I am pumping out. It’s super important to talk with the entire team and make sure messaging is correct about everything I launch. It’s NOT my voice, it’s the voice of Bridgestone Golf.

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How has your content evolved with so much being picture and video centric, rather than just words?

It’s constantly evolving. I love to study trends across all types of businesses even outside of golf to better serve the needs of our followers for optimized consumption.

Does your favorite outlet match up with golf demographics?

Oh yeah. I absolutely LOVE GOLF. Sometimes to a fault. I’ll be lost in Twitter while texting colleagues over the weekend when awesome stuff happens in golf and I’m sure they sometimes just roll their eyes! But I love twitter because my feed is rich with nothing but golf. So as I mentioned before, when something breaking happens it’s my go-to platform. It’s definitely where I spend most of my time. And boy does the Screen Time metrics remind me of that on Sundays! 

How has your role changed as social media has changed?

It’s changed in a way that I’ve become better at balancing social with my other responsibilities. Social can certainly consume my entire day pretty easily. It’s not always just about being on it. You have to have a plan and execute. So a lot of my work is behind the scenes making and scheduling content with the other brand managers. It’s fun to continually learn and change the way the game is played on social.

Adam Rehberg with some dude.

What's the most important thing you want people to know about your brand?

We are here for you! We literally make product that works for you the player. Certainly, we have TOUR presence and victories but we want to work with consumers to make sure they are in the right product for their game. I am continually trying to be more and more accessible on social to work with consumers as much as possible. We have several different avenues of content that we try to build to reach everyone, not just a niche demographic. Everyone should check out our YouTube page as we are working to grow our content portfolio this year! Check it here >>

Is there a style or a voice you shoot for with your brand's social content?

Accessible, we are a brand that designs balls and equipment for consumers, everyday players. So from a social perspective I want the brand to seem inviting, not calculated. It’s difficult, but I strive to connect with as many of our loyal fans as possible.

What's the biggest misconception about your brand you'd like to clarify?

That we’re not just TIRES!!! No, all joking aside, I want to get back to the feeling we used to have, that feeling that we truly care about YOU! I think we had gotten away from the desire to listen to consumers and we are fighting back hard to once again convey that message. We hear you guys!

What's your typical work day look like?

Great question. We are a lean and mean organization so every day is different. Social isn’t my only responsibility as I also manage out Golf Ball Fitting program. One day I can be off producing and shooting an episode of “Golf People” with Joe LaCava, the next scheduling Ball Fitting activations and the next flying down to Jupiter to fit Tiger into the new TOUR B golf ball for 2020. So there are many hats, and I love’em all. 

What's it like to work so closely with brand ambassadors and pros?

It’s amazing and I enjoy it. I like meeting people that are passionate about something. Whether that’s hockey, surfing, football or golf. I enjoy working with our advocates and working with the best players in the world. I never thought I would be working so closely with Tiger Woods some fifteen years ago as I sit in my apartment in Tallahassee FL at FSU playing Tiger Woods PGA 2004. It’s an amazing opportunity and I’m appreciative of the opportunity I have at Bridgestone Golf.